A partnership between Solihull Action through Advocacy and Independent Advocacy
Solihull First Advocacy is a new partnership between Solihull Action through Advocacy and Independent Advocacy. It delivers all statutory and non statutory advocacy in Solihull Borough. Find out more by visiting the Solihull First Website by clicking the link below.
Types of advocacy we can provide through Solihull First
If you would like to access the following types of advocacy you can make a referral either through the Solihull First website: https://www.solihullfirstadvocacy.com/referrals or via the telephone: 0121 296 4277
IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocacy)
We offer this type of advocacy for people who are subject to the Mental Health Act. This includes people who are on a community treatment order, subject to guardianship, those who might be offered certain treatments as well as those in hospital who are currently being held on a section.
IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy)
Currently this service is only provided by Sata.
This type of advocacy is for people who have been assessed as lacking the capacity to make a decision about their care and support, long term accommodation or serious medical treatment or are subject to deprivation of liberty safeguards (DOLS) and who don’t have another suitable person who can make the decision in their best interests.
Care Act advocacy
We offer this type of advocacy to people who are undergoing social care assessments, care and support planning, and reviews under the Care Act 2014. We also support people going through safeguarding procedures and can assist with making a complaint about their social care.
This service is for people who would have substantial difficulty understanding these processes and who don’t have another suitable person, such as a family member, to support them. This service is available to residents of Solihull.
Community advocacy
This service is for Solihull residents who need an advocate to help ensure they can make decisions in the community. This This type of advocacy is short term and issue based.
NHS complaints advocacy
This type of advocacy is for people who wish to complain about an NHS service or treatment they have received. We provide this service for anyone who lives in Solihull but also for those people who live outside Solihull but are registered at a GP practice there.
What we offer you
- Free confidential service
- Listen to your concerns
- Help to explore your options
- Attend meetings
- Make representations on your behalf
Useful Links for NHS Complaints
- The NHS complaints procedure – www.nhs.uk
- Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA) – AvMA provides free and confidential advice and support to people affected by medical accidents.
If you would like to speak with one of our experienced Advocates call 02476 697443, or click the button below to make an enquiry